Über diesen britischen Autor ist nicht weiter bekannt, außer dass er dieses 1720 erschienene Buch verfasst hat.
Im 3. Kapitel beschrieb er auf drei Seiten Standartteilungen des männlichen Körpers in „Ten Faces, Nine, Eight, Seven, depends on the Age and Quality of the Person.“ Das Kind könne mit 6, 5 oder 4 Köpfen bemessen sein (S. 15). S. 16 - 22 folgen dann die Bestimmungen der jeweils 1 face hohen Abschnitte des Körpers der Höhe und Breite nach, gefolgt von dem Hinweis auf die Serpentinata: „[...]. may be designed as 'twere in Waves, resembling the activity of the Flame, or of the Serpent: But beware in giving this flaming Serpentine Form to the Parts, you do not break the Bones which sustain them, and which must always make them appear firm and secure. (...). Whence mind that your Figure be carefully poised on its own Centre, that if it stand upon one Leg, it may seem to bear upon it indeed, and not as if it was upheld with a ford'd piece of Art, without Life and its own Stength and that all the Parts harmoniously agree with the same Action, to make an Equilibrum, and be in a situation which is unforced. [...]."
Zur Proportion des menschlichen Körpers einer Frau machte er keinerlei Angaben.
Titel: »The Art of Painting In its Rudiment, Progress, and Perfection: Delivered exactly as it is put in Practice, so that the Ingenious may easily understand its from the Life, Nature, to performe it. Being illustrated. In all the Parts of Drawing, viz. with Charcoal, Black-Lead, Pens, Indian-Ink, and Chalks; after Limit Heads, and Whole-Figures; as also after Life. Wherein is given a true Account of all the Materials of the Art of PAINTING, and how to use them: Largely treating of the Colours, with a General Rules to mix all Sorts of Colours whatever. Describing the Method of Copying of Pictures. How also to Draw a Face, with the Mixtures of the principal Complexings, Drapery and Hair. Also how to Paint LAND′KIP with its proper Colours. And lastly Description of which is contained the most Methodical Rules of the whole ART. To which is necessarily subjoyned, The most approved Methods of Copying. Mending, Cleaning, and Vanishing of PICTURES, &c. By THO. PAGE, Junior.« NORWICH: Printed by W. CHASE, in Cocken Lane for the Author, 1720.
- Titelblatt, 1 Blatt To the Reader, XII Blatt Preface, II Blatt The Contents of the several Chapters., S. 1 The Art of Painting. Chap. I.- 130 The Art. Finis, I Blatt Errata.
Literatur: Ronald Paulson - Anne Wilde, »Hogarth, His Life, Art and Time.« New Haven, Published for the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art (London) by the Yale University Press, 1971, S. 95 f.
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