Im Jahre 1612 erschien dieses Anleitungsbuch von Henry Peacham (*1587 - † um 1644), Mr. of Arts sometime of Trinity College in Cambridge zum ersten Mal unter dem Titel »The gentlemans exercise. Or, An exquisite practise, as well for drawing all manner of Beasts in their true Portraitures: as also the making of all kinds of colors, to be used in Limming, Painting, Tricking, and Blazon of Coates, and Armes, with divers other most delightfull and pleasurable observations, for all young Gentlemen and others. As also Serving for the necessary use and generall benefit of diuers Trades-men and Artificers, as namely Painters, Ioyners, Free-Masons, Cutters and Carvers, &c for the father gracing, beautifying, and garnithing of all theit absolute and worthy pieces, either for Borders, Architects, or Columnes, &c. By Henry Peacham Master of Artes.« 1612 in London.
Er wurde 1603 schoolmaster at Kimbolton Grammar School. Sein Teilungsmodul ist die Nasenlänge, die er auf den männlichen Kopf angewendet in drei Abbildungen vorführt.
An der Aufteilung und Zusammensetzung hat sich in den verschiedenen nachfolgenden Auflagen von 1627, 1634 selbst nach seinem Tode nichts entscheidend geändert.
Titel: »The Compleat Gentleman: Fashioning Him absolute in the most Necessary and Commendable Qualities, concerning Mind, or Body, that may be required in a Person of Honor. To which is added the Gentlemans Exercise Or, An exquisite practise, as well for drawing all manner of Beasts, as for making Colours, to be used in Painting, Limming, &c.« By Henry Peacham, Mr. of Arts, Sometime of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge: The Third Impression much inlarged, especially in the Art of Blazonry, by a very good Hand. / London, Printed by E. Tyler, for Richard Thrale, at the signe of the Cross-Keys at St Pauls Gate, 1661.
- Frontispiz, Titelblatt, I S. Content, IV SS. Widmung, IV SS. Preface, Text mit 86 Abbildungen S. 1 - 455.
Literatur: Alan R. Young, »Henry Peacham.« Boston, Twayne, 1979; Edward Chaney, »The Evolution of English Collecting.« New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 2003.
Exemplare: 1612 › digital (Passwort); 1661, Heidelberg, Universitätsbibliothek › digital.
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